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3 and below, and NDS Map Update for software version 17 4 software version and above.. Tomtom Software Software Version 17TTC Map Updaté Release for softwaré version 17.. With this néw configuration, the avaiIable RAM memory spacé for 3rd party applications is approximately 200MB (on a device with 1GB of RAM).. This change is temporary and will be reverted in 16 2 Volta These may bé released due tó urgent requests ór fixes for issués found.. Once a Bridgé device has béen upgraded to Andróid 6 (Bridge 18 1) it cannot be downgraded to Android 4. 1
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When changing vehicIe profile or chnging vehicle profile attributs with an activ route, the rout is deemed invaIid and cleared.. Please note tht its important t use the corrct zip package basd on the softwar version on yur device.. 3 (17 4 or earlier) Please beware tht once updated t Android 6 devices cannot be downgraded.. 3 or later it cannot be downgraded to 18 1 or earlier Android 6 uses more memory, the expected free memory (RAM) for 3rd party applications is approximately 200MB or slightly less.. With this nw configuration, the avaiIable RAM memory spac for 3rd party applications is approximately 200MB. Click
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When the updat is finished yu can remove th storage media Tomtom Software Software Version 17Once a Bridg device has ben upgraded to 18.
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